Entries by admin

Database maintenance: why it’s important

Every version of  SECURITHOR runs with PostgreSQL under the hood. Various versions have been used over the years but they there is a compatibility between versions used by Securithor. We adjust it when we do updates. One thing remains constant for each PostgreSQL: regular maintenance is needed. Like a car that needs an oil change, […]

MCDI is moving in April

MCDI’s SECURITHOR TEAM  will be moving to a new building on April 20th 2022. SECURITHOR support will maintain services as usual. Your support plan contacts remain the same via Skype, WhatsApp and emails. Our SECURITHOR demos are still available minus some of the demo/camera equipments that will be re-installed in the new building by end […]

MCDI-AJAX Cooperation

MCDI developed an Ajax plugin for two-way integration for the SECURITHOR Alarm Response Software. MCDI, combined Ajax Translator and Enterprise API to deliver a dedicated plugin that manages security and monitors Ajax systems‘ alarms, including visual verification of alarms, security mode switching and relay control. The Ajax plugin has permanent licenses and is free-of-charge for […]

Free AJAX Plug in for SECURITHOR 2.31

We are making our part at MCDI to help Ukraine by giving (yes free!) the AJAX video plug-in in the latest SECURITHOR 2.31. The goal is to make it easy for everyone to buy Ukrainian products. Namely the AJAX Jeweller Hub and its MotionCam detectors with integrated cameras. SECURITHOR and our DT42 IP alarm receivers were […]