As usual, every major update of SECURITHOR brings MANY features!
This time MCB, Mission Control Board 2.40,  also gets a major rework and a whole set of new features.

Among the major integrations in this release:
.AMC Panels and PIR CAM: alarms, 2 way control and images from the PIR cams.
.URFog/Density/RapidFog foggers: operators get controls over the foggers and can shoot them
.MONITOREAL this new video hub sends alerts from video analytics. Operators get an image to verify. Direct NO CLOUD solution.
.HIKVISION motion detection alerts: direct and through Hik-Proconnect.
.TEXECOM Monitor added to DT42

Complete change list below:

SECURITHOR 2.3.1 > 2.4.0/1
Mission Control Board MCB 2.3.X > 2.4.0

NOTES: Some features might require an add-on modules.
Verify with MCDI if the add-on is included in your SECURITHOR or needs to be purchased.
Addition of some feature might require hardware requirements to be reviewed. Please consult with MCDI


Updates are available for Securithor licensees that have support coverage with sufficient time remaining to install.
== DT42V2 ==
  • firmware level system 2.5.1 IP reception 2.8.5, PHP 2.10.
  • consultation with MCDI required prior to updating.
  • connection to Texecom Monitor added
  • change to output setting. DT42v2 can report in mlr2/mlr2000 with or without extended blocks.
  • extended blocks support as received in SECURITHOR 2.3X and 2.4
  • code optimization for extended blocks containing forbidden characters
  • code optimization for extended blocks containing non lower ascii characters (Cyrillic)
  • CSV IP changed to only accept valid Contact ID. Other formats rejected
  • pre loading of KingFisher format (untested)
  • added DUH packet support for SIA DC-09
  • Bahasa Malaysia, Bahasa Indonesia, Italian and Swedish languages added.
  • firmware level system 2.5.1 IP reception 2.8.5, PHP 2.10.
  • consultation with MCDI required prior to updating.

== SECURITHOR 2.41 ==

n.b. 2.4.1 is the last version directly compatible with previous 2.2. and 2.3.
It’s a required step before updating to version 2.5 released in Fall 2023.

  • added CAMECT viewer
  • added option to remove traffic limiter and paused mode using the LanguageSelector
  • showing keypad code in alarm processing call list
  • increase schedules list refresh rate from 15 seconds to 60 seconds to accommodate very large databases
  • APS X gets a new feature to change the app icon for one selected by the Central. Contact MCDI to make arrangements starting October 15st.
  • Renewed offer for free AJAX plugin with version 2.4: connection to Translator, images from Motioncam, connecting to API, panic signal from app.
  • new alarm code templates for Monitoreal
  • Alarms from analytics received directly from Monitoreal Security Assistant (STC receiver and CAM+).
  • images tagged with alarms from Monitoreal showing in traffic video column (CAM+)
  • added URFog device activation through Active Cloud (2WC module)
  • added Rapid Fog and Density on Active Cloud  (2WC module)
  • added AMC panel implementation (view feed in traffic and remote control in 2WC)
  • added AMC PIRcam views (CAM+, traffic panel, using AMC Cloud)
  • new automatic missions to MCB app generated upon receiving an alarm signal. Multiple criteria based on availability, skillsets, location, staff.
  • added possibility to route alarms to specific operators for confirmation, before processing by another set of operator
  • added Task schedules for operators: operators are presented with non alarm actions to make such as Call site, check cameras, send a patrol added duplicate email check when adding new emails for push
  • two way push licensing is now validated with server instead of license file, refreshed at 15min interval
  • improved build version identification in the title of stnet, streceiver, securithor, streports to better identify versions including custom ones
  • service orders regenerate reports when needed to be consulted instead of saving multiple rendered versions which can quickly increase database size
  • multiple improvements to MVP’s Live map and plans including memory usage
  • MVP’s Livemap including guards location and selection from map
  • added filter in MVP for partition or employees
  • allow some stickers to be selected in a row in MVP
  • Setting to restrict the radius of detection for guards in Livemap (in Settings>mis)
  • New Storm mode in Settings: can set all incoming events to auto process except for specific types or alarm codes .
  • MVP’s Livemap includes fog devices when placed in Plans (October intermediary release)
  • added save all alarms exclusions to the settings page
  • added Hikvision AXpro alarm reception via STC-HPC (panel id needs to be entered in panelid in installation section in account management)
  • changed deadman check to limit countdown
  • SIP CallerID changed to remove ghost calls from some PBX
  • changes to video recording so alarm shows in traffic.
  • changed behaviour if an event comment is deleted and traffic is refreshed
  • fix for Focus video viewer
  • changed to previous event coordinate in google map for Ajax and PIMA apps

== STNET ==

  • added dual condition alarm filtering
  • allowing different template selection for whatsApp group messaging
  • adapter email sender when sending service order and there is an email sender fail.
  • change behaviour when sending scheduled reports that don’t have a message body.


  • supporting surgard new format containing multiple partition (ri) tags in the same alarm
  • added 1 hour self creation of a test email to verify that email reception still works
  • added Bosch 6100 support on serial port
  • improved email alarm receiver to filter out duplicates (ETA module)
  • improved Radionics parsing of MLR2
  • added parsing specific for Larmnet (Swedish panel)
  • supporting X and Y block for Panic signals from Ajax and PIMA. Also added A block
  • improved custom sms list parsing
  • added streceiver auto restart if detecting problem with communication with Crow
  • preventing error if sms encoding is wrong
  • added support for Monitoreal HUB. Alarm receiving and image viewing
  • added reception from Artifeel server. New template is available.
  • supporting improperly formatted surgard datetime
  • adapted parsing of surgard if partition in the alarm string is set after the alarm code
  • adapted gps coordinate handling for Ajax app
  • fixed problem when Twig sends alarm with no gps
  • changed display for customsms in STReceiver so not to duplicate when specifying a different gateway

== STC listener  ==

  • new module STC listener offered ‘as courtesy’ and ‘as a trial’ until further notice. No technical support while in trial’
  • added CAMECT listener
  • Hik-Proconnect receiver gets signals from devices connected through HPC. In review, as courtesy as of September 2022
  • HIKVISION: direct receiving of alert signals directly from compatible cameras and NVR (recommended method)
  • Monitoreal: direct receiving of signals from Monitoreal Security Assistant hubs. With picture.
  • Preliminary phase in testing of new camera listener dedicated to receive alarm signals from camera analytics
  • STC is in preliminary phase, not considered a final product for now pending manufacturer feedback.
  • STC requires CAM+ and is distributed as courtesy with 2.4. Brands CAMECT, OPTEX CHeKT, Davantis will be added to STC for next version

== MISC ==

  • added Hik IP receiver support in STr
  • FSG added support for SIA and Radionics FSK and multiple connection cycles.
  • fixed error when running STnet after restoring a backup from another machine (internal to MCDI support)
  • fixed absence of operator rights on new installation in 2.31 (not present in updates)


  • improved demo licensing
  • save all alarm exclusions licensing*
  • URFogllicensing created
  • Monitoreal licensing created

== MCB Mission Control Board 2.40 ==

  • MCB version 2.40 works with SECURITHOR 2.4x
  • New User Interface with navigation on the left.
  • new automatic missions to MCB app from Securithor (without operator intervention) generated upon receiving an alarm signal. Multiple criteria based on availability, skillsets, location, staff.
  • Comprehensive breadcrumb navigation available
  • Complete rework of the Geofencing section to simplify its use.
  • Addition of information upon right click of the geofence, in the Dashboard map.
  • Vehicles added to the Dashboard map. Shows last location as stand alone marker when not assigned
  • New Agenda in the jobs section. Calendar view of jobs.
  • Extension of the notification lists with new filters to search
  • Checkpoint codes and tags management now in a separate section
  • New Timeline display for employee locations
  • Geofencing section shows lists of alerts for both authorized and forbidden zones
  • New tool to search attendance of zones in side Geofencing section
  • Additions to the Users section: confirmation of presence interval in Additional informations
  • Numerous additions to the Statistical reports including Mission Timeline, Operators dispatch efficiency
  • Predefined sentences library moved to main menu
  • MCB app rework for compliance with Android 12 and 13.
  • MCB app changes to Geofencing display for more comprehensive display
  • MCB app confirmation of presence popping to bearer including on closed screen at set interval.
  • MCB desktop: confirmation interval set in employee profile.
Some features require an add-on modules.
Verify with MCDI if the add-on is included in your SECURITHOR or needs to be purchased.

Addition of some feature might require hardware requirements to be reviewed. Please consult with MCDI.

NOTES:  starting at 2.20, the display size requirements are 1920 x 1080 pixels for both SECURITHOR and MCB.
Updates are available for SECURITHOR licensees that have support coverage with sufficient time remaining to install.
Map service for APS X and MCB is included in annual support plans.


  • minimum requirements: Win 10 or 11 pro, dotNet 4.6.2.
  • ensure the latest Windows updates are run on the client’s PCs before attempting to install the SECURITHOR or MCB to minimize the chances of getting an error. In some cases, you need to run Windows Update several times as it will not show or download all updates in one shot.
  • last version supported in annual plan is 2.20. Consult with MCDI if you have a version below 2.20