Entries by admin

It’s time to say goodbye to an old friend

It’s time to say goodbye to an old friend, Securithor v1. We launched V1 over 10 years ago. While v1 had thousands of users at the height of v1, most of them elected to upgrade to Securithor v2 during the last 5 years. Microsoft is also announcing the discontinuation of support for windows 7, the […]

Update for APS Help Module

As of June 25th 2018, most FTP servers in the world deprecated support for TLS v1.0 and 1.1 for safety reasons. TLS is a protocol for encrypting data when connecting between client and server. This move by the IEFT (Internet Engineering Task force) has impact on your Securithor if you are using the APS Help […]

Is your Monitoring Software ready for GDPR ?

GDPR is a new rule to be implemented in Europe on May 25th 2018. It stands for General Data Protection Regulation. While it’s solely enforceable in Europe, we worked to adapt the general release of SECURITHOR for GDPR. The key elements of GDPR are: .Anonymizing collected data to protect privacy The anonymity and safeguarding of […]

Update 2.1.7 rolling out

SECURITHOR 2.1.7 will start rolling out April 2nd with more than 40 new features and enhancements. You can get this important update as part of your support plan. Contact us to make an appointment as updates are performed by the MCDI Support staff. Maintenance of your SECURITHOR database is done at the same time. You can […]

SECURITHOR connecting Bosch D6100 Alarm Receiver

SECURITHOR is now handling alarm signals from Bosch D6100 through IP connection. The IP connection is standard in SECURITHOR 2.1.6 while serial connection is available to all SECURITHOR V2 since 2015. The IP connection now brings new possibilities such as connecting from a  remote location. Contact MCDI or your SECURITHOR power centre to get SECURITHOR […]